03 February 2023

light the fuse

This is how I see the world of LC
After the past 3 years of COVID. 
A vast wasteland. 

It doesn’t help that half the group
Is ProVaxx, and the other half 
Is AntiVaxx to the death. 
The Low Carb Cruise will 
never be the same. 

Social Media is definitely not going away. 
And people are ready for a HUGE change. 

So let’s go tripping! Drop the line in. 
See if you get a nibble. 
The Algorithms giveth
And the Algorithms taketh away. 

Lisa Picard Is Famous. 
This 2000 film is about all the hype
And hysteria of a budding actor 
Who may- or may not - 
be on the way up. 
Lots of hard work and
Lots of Luck. 🍀 
And lots of heartache. 
In this film, she didn’t get “discovered,”
But her BFF did. 

People come up in the ranks. 
Low Carb is a lifestyle change. 
And it’s not for everyone. 
The Keto Atkins Paleo world 
Has leaders and gurus a-plenty. 
Minus one or two infamous ones. 

Some blogs are Personality driven. 
Others are Content driven. 
I’m sure not a hot 18 year old. 
I’m not a doctor.
Not a famous author. 
Just regular Joe. 

I wanted to launch 
Quitting Sugar in July. 
But then came COVID. 

I got some tripods and light rings. 
And I try to make a video or short 
Every few days or every week. 
Just for practice. 
Sizing. Timing. Editing. 
Not jaw-dropping content. 
Mostly cats, right now. 
Cats and eggs. Lol. 
Next week, it’s green screen and 
Blonde Joke Shorts. 

Some videos get 5000 hits in an hour! 
Some don’t even have one view. 
Algorithms. Go figure. 

AI isn’t up to speed just yet. 
We’re all learning together. 
This is AI showing a human handshake. 

YouTube, Facebook, TikTok,
SnapChat, Instagram… 
They show your analytics. 

In my case, it’s the same. 
Mostly women. American. 
Middle- aged. People who work. 
Just like me. 

A cat watching Rambo. 
A busted egg. 
Pants falling down. 

I found a little place in the house
To plug up (and take down) 
A Green Screen. 
I don’t have a desk. This will do. 

This is actually my desk. 
A standing desk made from 
An antique tv cabinet 
That now holds my tools. 
And speakers. 

Lots of time editing. 
Always there's a new app. 
I do everything on the iPhone. 

I’ve made a little plan. 
Sketched out about 100 ideas. 
I’m quite sure I have zero skill for this. 
Maybe I has 1% of the skill I need. 
But if enthusiasm counts- 
I’m in! 
Nowadays, anyone with a smart phone
Can blog and make content. 

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