31 October 2022

happy halloween y’all

Many steps. 
Feels good. 
The sprained ankle is much better. 

The sleep I’m getting is like magic. 
Or medicine. It’s amazing! 
2 magnesium tablets. 
2  Unisom (anticholinergic)
1 delta 9 gummy (legal hemp)
[About 10 mg total.]
And CBD about 100 mg 
[Divided doses all day.]

This has High Oleic Sunflower Oil
And Casein. Not my favorites. 
But it’s not bad. 

Total Fat 4.5
Minus say fat 1.0
No trans fat. 
So the rest is PUFA. 
Probably omega 6. 
The bad one. 
This has 3.5 grams PUFA. 
Which is the upper daily limit. 
So it’s ok if you’re in a bind,
But not for fasting and not for daily use. 
I like IsoPure 

Yours Truly lol 

30 October 2022

trick or treatment

I have that odd thing
Where i think I’m still 250 pounds 
And other people see my weight gain. 
Which is imaginary. 
I’m consistent, if nothing else. 

It doesn’t bother me except when 
Someone is giving me stress 
Usually for no reason. 
Like the abject horror of the other night. 
Still cleaning up my mind from that. 

So I made a couple of compilations. 
A head shot and a body shot. 
Halloween through the years. 

I’m not perfect 
And I sure won’t be called “Slim,”
Anytime soon. And that’s ok. 
This is healing on many levels. 
I trusted Atkins and came out OK. 

I’m not at my most slender right 
now but I’m still ok. 
On the EDS Facebook page,
Many of the ladies are “dense…”
That is, they look lighter than they are. 
But a lower weight is better for joints 
And mobility. 

Dug out the Old Bones Costume. 

Well that’s my Show And Tell for now. 
Next. Bloodwork. Walking. 
Getting my second blog up and going.
And getting through the holidays. 
The patient’s family has company 
Coming soon so it will be a full house. 

Still taking my daily walk. 
Even if it’s just 10 minutes. 
Food is spot on. 
Mind is focused. 
More to come on how that goes! 

hallow eve

Early morning WalWalk. 
Lol walk at Walmart. 
Odd. There were real Zombies
In the store today. They’re 
Surprisingly agile and fast. 
I saw 2 men who honestly looked
Like they were on their way
To a Moulage Party. Yikes! 

Put the tea bags in the water
The night before. 
And leave it on the coffee warmer. 
Which is right by my bedside. 
Wake up- tea is ready. Not too hot. 
Perfect temp. Less caffeine. 
Irish Breakfast Tea and Constant Comment. 

Speaking of Zombies …
Not sure I even rolled over. 

I’ve been experimenting with 
Taking about 10 mg of CBD
Once I get home.  
 Entourage  Effect. 

Plus it was charging 
Part of the day yesterday 

My goodness. 
I have a plan.
I’m slowly getting there. 
Also, two shakes yesterday. 
Down 5 pounds. 
A welcome surprise!

My mother always said
Most Christians don’t act like it. 
They act like debt collectors. 
Tough Love? 
It’s for your own good? 
Growing up poor and abused,
I was desperate for a helping hand. 
Not a hand out- just an opportunity. 
A little gap. A little time. 
I can’t tell you how many people
Refuse to help in the name of 
“Forgiveness To Destroy!”

29 October 2022

meme day Halloween

voting day

The most beautiful thing ever. 
Rain. I love love love the rain. 

I voted! 
I imagine there would be 
Much less traffic during the rain. 
I was right. 

This Boston Market Spinach. 
I used to love it so much. 
I didn’t even finish it. 

An hour after my Protein Shake. 
The shakes have been helping 
Since every time I eat,
I feel nauseous.
Plus, I have no taste. Lol. 

I like and use IsoPure. 
Isolated Protein and ZeroCarb. 
This is strawberry. I add coffee. 
It’s a great combination! 
If you mix the protein shake 
up the night before, 
It’s generally better than if you just 
Swig it back right away. 

This cat hates to have his picture taken. 

I look like I lost a fight 
with a kangaroo. LOL. 
My face never was the place
Where the weight shows up. 

28 October 2022

sleep day

Almost that day! 

Way back in 2016…
6 years ago…
I met and moved in with 
Broadway people. And others. 
This picture has an odd backstory. 
This was supposed to be me and Elaine,
Crossing canes. But no. 

14 hours blissful rainy-day sleep. 

I took 2 delta 9 gummies, 
and it was too much. 
I would take 1/2 of one. 
Hemp. Legal hemp. Mail order. 

CPR class. 
Once every 2 years, all Nurses 
Must take CPR and CEUs. 

They finally are making 
the guidelines for CPR BCLS
More realistic.

The beautiful architecture of Dallas. 

Baby Doe’s Matchless Mine
Is now a Miller Beer sign. 
Back in high school, ALL
The kids wanted to go there. 

Time to get this beast out
And hook up the cats. 
Lol. No- I don’t eat cats. 
We mince their food and mix it.  

First Grade humor at its finest. 

When you hang out with fancy people,
They have fancy things. 
This Art Deco Cat-Asshole 
plate fell and broke. 
 It wasn’t me.  I think Fergus did it. 
He was a knocker-downer when he was wee. 
But I ended up replacing it. 
It’s like drinking Scotch,
And remembering it’s $100 a bottle. 
A wee rich for my blood.  
My anemic blood. 
It took 4 months to come from Paris.  

Finding the truth 
In between the lines 
Of hyper motivation. 

Hoodie weather.