Before and after a birthday cake
For Mommy.
My Yield Max ETFs
Are thriving.
Sorry to brag but right now
This is the only thing keeping me going.
This feeling of hope for the future.
The Bitch Night Nurse
Saw the supply closet was empty,
And the new supplies had come in.
But instead of restocking,
She brought in one bag.
One fucking bag.
Floors will be done soon.
I sleep badly.
I take Advil all the time.
I was banned from Advil.
But this boy I take care of
Pulled my arm and tore
My rotator cuff.
On the right side.
Typical boy- my patient.
He says things he doesn’t mean
To get a rise out of me.
Like he won’t speak
when he is asked to speak.
And won’t shut up
when he needs to stop talking.
Then he says stupid things
Thant make no sense.
Then usually makes himself
Vomit. But only after a bath
And linen change.
I’m tired. That’s it.
I am tired.