15 October 2022

high road

Pretty day. Saturday. 
A cold front is coming. 
Nurses days off shift like the wind. 
It’s like a ballet sequence. 
You never know where 
The day off is going to land. 
Most nurses understand 
the off days will change - 
and change again. 

I’m used to working weekends. 
I like it. Less brass, no appointments.
Weekends off are wasted on me. 
Too many lines in stores. 
I’d rather have a Tuesday off
And shop in peace, than fight the crowds. 
Especially in the COVID era. 

Super early to bed. 
I worked all day. 
Manual labor. Cleaning the house. 
It took 2 people 5 hours each. 
Me and Maria. 
It hasn’t been deep cleaned since COVID. 

Many steps. 

I changed my own wiper blades. 
I found out how on YouTube! 

TMI alert!
This is cat hair from the 
Rainbow Vacuum - it gets all the hairs. 
My vacuum died. Belt broke. 

I need some more of these. 
For sleep. 

Had the car detailed. 
Smells nice. This trademark little tree
Means someone cleaned the car. Lol. 
That is the cherry on top
Of a banana split. 
Especially for cab drivers. Lol. 

Still fascinated with these lights. 
We are slowly building a Smart House. 
I have the lights and cameras on line. 
Next is the thermostat. 

This is a JoHary window. 
Pronounced ja-HAR-ee. 
Named by 2 shrinks named
Joe and Harry. Jo- Hary. 
Classic problem solving. 

Leave and Fix?  Expensive option. 
Leave and Don’t fix? Mean. 
Stay and fix? Sucks but do-able. 
Stay and don’t fix? Also mean. 

I was told by my housemate
in addition to being a lying cunt,
 a fucking god damn bitch, 
Don’t forget crazy bitch, 
a bi-polar insane nut job,
A filthy dirty slob who lives in a pig stye,
A disgusting drunk Wino,
(He says I’m lying about quitting wine)
Apparently -  
I am also always in need of being
The center of attention of all things,
And a lying tattle tell who fucks up
 everything I touch. 
He knows better than to call me fat. 

He says he doesn’t remember calling me 
At 1130 pm. He says I’m lying about that, too   
He says he woke up
With me screaming in the hall, unprovoked. 
Just standing in the hall 
With cats all around 
And me in my pajamas - screaming.  
Hysterical. Out of my mind. 

Something’s Rotten! 
But I’m done caring. 
I have no attachment to him 
Or the outcome of anything he says. 
Be done with toxic people. 
It’s better this way. 

When a problem comes along
You must whip it! 🎶 🎶 
If the cream set out too long-
You must whip it! 

So. High Road. 
People say “take the high road!”
When there’s a problem. I do. 
Every time. I seldom say anything. 
Unless there’s some crazy shit. 
Like now. I’m not a fighter. 

So I’m going to stay. 
But I have a lock for the door 
and a camera in my room. 

Also, I have gone Grey Rock. 
Grey Rock is a technique for dealing with 
Idiots, narcissists, abusers, 
and difficult people.
 Like bosses, and unreasonable housemates. 
The name comes from an actual grey rock!
Imagine a bed of rocks, 
maybe in a river bed- or on a beach…
 little rocks… nothing shiny 
Or pretty or fancy. 
You answer questions asked of you. 
Nothing more. Yes & No. 
Answer pleasantly and professionally. 
Don’t offer explanations and don’t 
Give any information-
 it will surely be used against you. 

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