14 October 2022

Albert Ellis

Albert Ellis is the founder of 
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. 
It was once called just RET, 
But later they added a behavior component. 
I always liked it over traditional 
Therapy. For example:

Instead of saying “I am powerless over alcohol,”
Or whatever the problem is, 
REBT says “Drinking (or whatever)
Obviously has a payout for me. 
Is it worth it to keep in my life?
What is this behavior adding to my life?”

And “I probably COULD quit drinking
(Or smoking or overeating etc) 
But I do this for these reasons. 

There’s an Activating Event. 
That clashes with your Beliefs.

Example - you MUST not smirk at me
When I talk to you because that means…
(Fill in the blank) _________…
You disrespect me. 
You think you’re better than me.  
Etc etc etc. 

You must be home every day for dinner
Because that means _________… 
We’re a happy family.
That’s what couples do. 
Women make the meals. 
Women tend the kids and the house. 
Women need to have a clean home. 

So there’s a payoff. 
Or we wouldn’t be doing it. 
We have beliefs we seldom let go of 
Without a struggle. 

Are all rules set in stone? 
Are any rules absolute? 
IF you go through my stuff 
Then I’ll ___________. 
See how this is shaping up? 

I’ve had plenty of carbs 
In the past 13 years. 
I’m definitely NOT zero carb. 
I have a fondness for Taco Bell. 
The cosmic junk of the universe. 
I’m not even sure it’s really good! 
But when I eat of, I feel yukky. 
It must be worth it, 
Or I would not even be tempted. 
An irrational belief. 

This is a diagram from TA. 
Transactional Analysis. 
It was a pop psych model in the 70s. 

In this model, there are 2 people talking. 
Both the same age.
Not an actual parent. 

Let’s say a husband and wife 
Are discussing dinner. 
When a parent ego talks to a child ego,
It’s scolding on one hand,
Or being over supportive… gushing 
“You had better have dinner on the table…”
Even though both parties work full time jobs
Outside the house. 
A childish (ego) response might be
Depression, helplessness, or a fit !

It’s far better to talk to adults
Like an adult talks to an adult. 
Even in paid situations,
Like at work, adults get more done. 

Once I calm down, I try to see
If I’m being irrational. 
And often I am. 
People won’t always do 
what you think they should do, 
or what we want them to do. 
In fact, it’s very easy to find scenarios 
Where someone isn’t doing their end. 

So all over the place these thoughts go. 
REBT is almost Buddhist 
In its inclusion of all problems
And the absolute idea that it’s 
Almost always our ego 
that’s running the show
When we’re out of touch or upset. 

So I try to make sure I’m 
Awake and aware and alert 
When things get out of hand. 

This still applies to being hacked. 
I wrote this when my housemate
Was on the rampage,
Accusing me of standing naked
I’m the hall screaming - at midnight. 
The way I resolved that was
A combination of faking it
And just closing the file -
With him on the outside. 
I don’t need that. 
Home needs to be a safe place
Or you might as well live in the car. 
No rule says I have to like it. 

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