05 March 2022

freedom day

This and a hamburger 
1/2 pound, no bun. 
And now I fast till Monday. 
Snake Juice 🐍 

Read it and reap.
Sleep is #1 best thing you can do.
If you don’t have sleep, you don’t have health. 

HRV spiking up now and then. 
When I was sick last month, 
It was low. Like 1%. 
Lower than when I was in the hospital. 

Last week I was in the red. Stop. 
Then the yellow. Caution. 
Now the Green! GO! 

A Nurse friend I worked with 
Asked me why I never got married. 
She asked me about me growing up. 
We talked and talked. 
I was smart growing up, but a loner. 
Looking back on my step father’s 
treatment of me and his behavior 
(He was mean and abusive
And also crazy) 
She just graduated from Medical School. 
She said it sounded like
He had schizophrenia
With BiPolar - Dual Diagnosis. 
Well. That makes sense. 
So much random crazy manic stuff he did. 
I think she’s right. 
What a relief. 
If feels like a 50 year old mystery 
Has now been solved. 

1 comment:

  1. Anne, I grew up with a dad with undiagnosed bipolar disorder, and all around anti social behavior. My mother actually diagnosed him, and kept track of his moods on the calendar, warned us to be wary when he was low. We grew up knowing how to walk on eggshells. We didn't dare snap our gum or smack our food, slam a door or cry about anything. I thought all fathers were like him, then I went to a friend's house, her dad looked right at me and said hello. hmm. My father wouldn't go to the doctor, he was fine...his anger was something that shaped me, and I hate it. To this day, when someone is fixing something or driving in stressful traffic, I cower inside, because I'm conditioned for the anger and swearing. But, here we are. I love following and seeing your hard work to be healthy, that good night's sleep is pure gold. Have a good day!


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