23 March 2022

happy day

Army or Nursing 

About a year ago, RobinHood 
People all got together, and
Cornered the market like a gang. 
They did AMC and GameStop. 
Stocks went up. 
People make a killing. 
$50,000 in an hour! 
All in a pandemic. 
Well- they got their wrist slapped. 

Crypto in the news!
Japan is now also talking about Bitcoin. 

Personally- me-
I’ve cashed in all my money 
I had laying around. Change.
Emergency cash. 
I’m buying all the BitCoin I can
This next few months. 
Picking up extra shifts. 
BitCoin and Etherium. 
Buy buy buy! 

It has never happened before. 
And it might not happen again. 
But the other day, I earned more
From my stock portfolio 
[The one from work where they 
“Give” us free stock that we have to pay for]
Than I earned at work. 
One day. Got me hooked! 
Went back down the next day. 
New low levels. 
Also, we’re not allowed to sell it,
Or change our deduction percentage….
But still. Potential!

Long walk and several microburst walks. 

No walk this morning. 
I have that ulcer. 
It doesn’t like fasting. 
So I had to start my PPI
Again yesterday. Protonix. 
Well, now that I’m not drinking 
Or taking Advil, I’ll be back off
In a while. 

Fasting all day. 
Rolling 72° fasts. 
I feel great! 

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