04 December 2022


The Japanese Maple is getting ready
For what comes next. 
Soak up that sun! 

Finally a day off. 
Cleaned up a mess I didn’t make. 
Sadly, it’s better than a fight. 

The extent of my decoration 
For Christmas. 

Trying this to keep Joseph 
From cat barfing. 
We call him Barfo. 
My housemate told me I’ve been 
feeding wrong for 6 years. 
They need smaller bites.
Ahhhh but no- 
The cat throws up with canned food,
Which is basically mush.
I offered to let him take over and he declined. 
Funny how that works.  
He said I was having a pity party. 
Sarcasm doesn’t work with me. 

So far,, so good.
Plus when you feed raw, 
cats eat the whole bird. 
Or rat. Or snake. 
They rip and tear the flesh. 
They’re animals! 
they take all sizes of food. 
It it’s cut up too small, it dries out
And is wasted. 

I love you both. 
But I’m leaving you both. 
The betrayal is too much. Lol. 
I haven’t had coffee for a while. 
And my reflux is gone! 
I don’t want to give up coffee. 
But I also don’t want reflux.
Why is this even an issue? 
Most people quit what hurts them
Or is bad for them. 
Not us Fatties. We endure. 
Stubborn lot we are. 

You been drinking? 
Nope. Even the THOUGHT 
Of wine makes me gag. 
Never ever dreamed I would say that. 

I’m a lightweight. In bed by 7 pm. 
I gotta get my beauty sleep. 
You wouldn’t like me 
without my beauty sleep. 

Maybe tea is in my future. 
That I can do! 

Even monsters are beginning 
To show signs of intolerance. 

Listen to your body. 
Unless you don’t like what is says. 
Then just do what your going to do anyways. 
How’s that working for ya? Lol. 

Home meals are the best. 
Soft Eggs and a bite of Bacon. 
3 days on then 3 off. 
Then confinement for a week
While the substitute nurse takes a vacation. 
Right in the mix of it. Oh well. 
More money for my “swear jar”!
Every time I take a shift I don't want,
I buy Bitcoin in protest. 
I also buy QYLD. It pays dividends! 
Last month, I made $20. 
So I’m in the big leagues now. (Not!) 

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