26 December 2022

boxer day

Did NOT want to wake up today. 
It’s cold and I’m sleepy
And these kids all act out. All day. 
They’re not ”good kids”   Per se 
As compared to what? 
Us as kids ? Can’t compare that.
These kids do absolutely nothing 
and when they do, it’s always a prank. 
No Early Childhood Development Expert
Can NOT fix this. The answer is NOT 
In a book. They don’t care. 
You can’t reward them.  They don’t care. 
You can’t punish them. They just don’t care. 
They just want to be online. 
I get that. Lol. 

What A Burger 
Does serve hamburgers
For breakfast if you want. 
Texans love their What-a-Burger. 

This was candy.
It was no bake fudge but 
A chemical reaction occurred 
That make it like little burned rocks. 
It’s was like freeze-dried lava.
With pockets of sweetener? 
I don’t even bring Xylitol in to the house
Because of the cats. 

We lost another Blogger from 2009. 
Dear Sean Anderson. 
Diary of a Winning Loser. 
He never really got over loss of his mom. 
It’s hard to watch people struggle 
During the last 3 years. 
So much sorrow and loss. 

Lol. I have to laugh … I wonder 
If people say the same about me. 
Lol poor Anne. She struggles so. 
All my struggles are internal. Lol. 

I have this internal dialogue:
Me: I should hire a coach. 
Rational Me: We already did that. 
Me: ahhh- good. What? 
Rational Me: now just DO what she suggested. 
Me: Do it? Hell no. I’d rather flounder. 

1 comment:

  1. I did not know about Sean Anderson. That is so sad. I remember how distraught he was when his mom was sick and he couldn't be with her. So sad. Christmas Eve: gingerbread, fresh from the oven, my girls baking. I tried a nibble, which turned into a few pieces, it was SO good. Then I had a cookie or two....not way too much, but...I felt awful. Yesterday, I remembered that, and avoided it all...except for...shhh...sweet potato casserole! ugh. I'm ready to get back to fasting, and avoiding sugar like the plague, not losing much weight, but I FEEL better. A tweet I saw the other day: "No cookies is better than one cookie." I agree with that, because one cookie just makes me want another cookie....never satisfied. Anyway. Hope you got a little bit of a break on Christmas...one of my RN daughters had to drive in that snowstorm to work the other night, five had called in sick, she had six patients, then one more intake...the other nurse also had six, said if she had to take a seventh, she would go home...so my daughter took the seventh...it was either that or end up with 13. It's a rough life. Take care. :)


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