Gotta get better at this.
I need to be my own coach.
The word “calisthenics “
Comes from the Greek words
For Beauty and Strength.
Four types of exercise.
Endurance -
Cardio - Walking?
Strength- Muscle -
Weights - Push And Pull?
Balance - Core Integration -
Body Weight Movements?
Flexibility - Muscle Tone
And General Conditioning?

Wow. I don’t have any of these
Wow. I don’t have any of these
Since going low carb.
I know many people who do, however.
Big Ass Salad
With too much dressing.
And no crunchies on top.
Leftover Chili.
Mom! Stop! Gosh!
Don’t put this on Facebook!
My Teenage Boi. Lol.
Try to do a monthly long shot.
My Doctor read my CT scan
And wrote me a letter.
She said there is an enlarged lymph node
(4 mm, less than 1/2 a cm)
Its near my 2 spleens (!!)
And double renal arteries (!!)
But it has remained the same size for years.
I jokingly replied that maybe it was a twin.
Absorbed now- yikes!
Well? Why not? Who knows?
My Aunt was a twin and Grandmother
Never even knew she was pregnant,
After a miscarriage with the first one.
When I die, they can do an autopsy
And see what’s up with that.
Off to work I go!
Bloodwork this week.
And walking. I’m clear for take off!
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