19 December 2021

gentle day

Heart pounding all night.
Literally pounding. 

New CBD company. 
Good product 
As far as I can tell 

Full moon. 
I love full moons around Christmas time. 

Fun with filters 

Part of the joy of pediatric nursing 
Is the seasonal and holiday decor. 
I still get a kick out of this stuff 

I dedicate todays blog to 
My dear friend Donna D. 
May peace be upon you. 

Peace to all. 

1 comment:

  1. That's an awful night, to have the heart pounding like that. It happens to me when I drink alcohol these days, and I am grateful for it in a way, because I had non-alcoholic fatty liver, and any alcohol at all is bad for that...I reversed it with low carb and fasting, now I cannot drink more than one glass of wine, or one weak drink or the heart just races all night, and it's exhausting. So the fear of that keeps me away. I can, however, get away with eating a few Hershey's Kisses, which is bad bad bad....one meal a day, then some chocolate....not a good habit at ALL.


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