01 March 2023

medium day

The West Texas dust
Makes a pretty sunset. 

Where do they go? 
Are birds real? 

We’re in the 4th Turning. 

Expect anything. 

USA is with Taiwan. 
Against Gina? 
This is a yikes! 

Did Taiwan ask for help? 
Did Ukraine ask for help? 

I though my retirement age
Would be  me putzing and futzing
Around a some patio plants 
And maybe petting some cats. 
But no. Off to slay dragons. 

Lol. Not mine. 

My housemates are from a small oil town 
In Western Texas. Big money back in the day. 
They think of themselves as Baby Boomers. 

These Boomers had a stable home life. 
Mommy made lunch for them 
When they came home from school. 
Grilled Cheese Sammich and Tomato Soup. 

I was a Latchkey Kid. 
Mom worked and I had to fend for myself. 
Divorce, child abuse, Sesame Street. 
My goodness. Am I Gen X? 
November 1960. 
My sister and brother are 
Proper Boomers. 
Their mom and dad couldn’t wait
To have babies after the Great War. 
(Same mom; different dad.). 

The mediums are loose!
I’m often between medium and large 
because I don’t want clothes to touch me. 
I hate it I’m going 
to find a way to deal. 
Can’t have my pants down. 

A swallow of EVOO seems good to me. 
Especially with my protein shakes. 
The Kratom is helping so much with 
Pain and even energy.  And peace of mind. 

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