02 May 2020

walk a day

I did a search “walking parks near me” 
And I think a person could 
Drive to a different park
Every day for a year (maybe)
And enjoy fresh scenery! 

In the closing from CV19
I never got my handicap 
Parking placard refilled
By the doc. 
Maybe I won’t need it!
I’m coming up on 5 years 
Post injury. 

 I can still have my “vacation”
And do some hiking! 
Just in town. 
Depends on how early 
I want to get up. 

I’ve decided some things. 
Walking is important. 
Sleep is important. 
Water is important. 
I can have 30 or more carbs. 
They make me really big! 
I mean swol up like a hulk. 
All that glucose and water 
being stored in the muscle, I guess. 
Resting is important. 
Reaching out is important. 

It’s like I suddenly took on
The attributes of a 60 year old. 
And old habits are losing their appeal. 
Maybe a less sophisticated 
Georgia O’Keeffe. 

1 comment:

  1. I am missing hiking. All our parks and trails are closed :(


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