15 May 2020

56 weeks to go

I have to fool myself 
into thinking certain things 
These days. 
I guess we all do. 

This virus has us all crazy.
And worse- the way it’s handled. 

It’s hard to imagine how we got here. 

It’s like the story of my age group. 
Not Boomers- but often called that. 
Our group doesn’t have a name. 

We didn’t go to ‘Nam. 
We were only 10 at the time. 
We didn’t even make good hippies. 
Too young for Woodstock. 

Mom and Dad didn’t come home 
from WW2 and 
Fortuitously make a baby
In 1960. That’s like 12 years too late. 

We were latchkey kids. 
Mom worked, and our babysitter 
Was the good old TV. 

No milkman with bottles. 

No Nickle-Rama Saturday 
Watching some horse show. 

We grew up seeing certain things. 
Like blended families. 
Or single parents. 

But by the time we got here
- nothing is the same. 
And now with this virus. 

So 60 is the new 40. 
Time to be flexible and adaptable. 
Who knows what happens next? 

I ordered a bunch of groceries 
On line- mostly canned goods. 

I have some friends freaking out. 
I told one of them 
I was ready to do some fasting. 
She said not to worry. 
I would soon get my chance!
I don’t think she meant that kindly! 

Well now. 
That’s a sucky attitude! Lol. 
Sucky but true. 
Better check in my supply of 
Snake Juice 
Just in case

1 comment:

  1. I'm the same age as you - turned 60 last October. I agree, we are not the Boomers! Yes, time to be flexible and adaptable...


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