06 January 2022

oovefe day

Woke up early
Full of energy. 
Ready to work. 

Need me some HB Eggs. 

Coffee helps. 
And it smells sooo good. 
I don’t drink coffee until
I get to work. 
Trying to give my adrenal glands
A break. 


  1. Okay, like nine things here: 1. McDonalds coffee is not too shabby, it smells amazing. Giving your adrenals a rest is something to think about, thank you. 2. I eat things like ground beef with green beans (meatballs with green beans instead of pasta). 3. I DO have Covid but can still taste and smell, I hope I don't lose those things! And I know it's not funny, but I can imagine myself doing that too, when there is candy involved, we can trick ourselves somehow...even if I rarely eat it, it still SINGS to me ha. 4. I am jealous your hair grows so fast. I have a NO FAIR situation: my roots grow in dark and have to be touched up, but the length never changes anymore....it's a conundrum. I hope they don't work you half to death down there, it's awful. One of my girls is getting burned out because of all the nurses here who were fired, the rest have to take up the slack....take care!

  2. Hello Anne, you are a trooper, I have nothing but respect for pediatric home health nurses. I work with plenty of you. My state is overrun with over 9000 positive cases, no one wears a mask here, lots of idiots who are turning to alternative meds like ivermectin and then arriving at our poor hospital and needing transport to a higher level of care in the city. Three nurses arrived at the UUMC trauma 1 hospital today and said they can't do this anymore, watch people who are unvaccinated die. So for all of the hard working nurses out there 16 blessings'mom get your vaccination and give some relieve to those of us who work hard. Sorry to use this as a platform Anne but you get it


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