11 August 2019

travel will nurse

Typical Nurse Travel agency 
Pays in 1/3 Incriments. 
1/3 housing 
1/3 expenses 
1/3 taxable income. 

So 6 of one 
Or half dozen of another. 

The good news is that my company 
Has offices everywhere. 

They just bought up all the little companies 
So they have no competition. 

Arizona. Colorado. 
Oregon. Washington. 

Some of the places we have reciprocity. 
So yay! 

I have to get out 
of my current situation. 
And what better way 
than to travel 3 months 
Maybe 2x a year? 
Maybe just be a full time 
Traveling Nurse? 

Modified Dry Fast
Turned into a Water Fast.

And that’s ok. 

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