04 January 2020


Well. The pain, fever, and chills got worse. 
I ended up severely dehydrated! 

Ice chips. 
No food since Monday. 

I went to the ER. 
Got fluids and anti-emetics. 
Also, pain medication. 

The Dallas VA 
Is actually very nice! 
I haven’t been back since 
I broke my leg. 

So. Back home. 
2 days off. 
Ready for rest and recovery! 

Last Sunday, I cleaned 
The Little Mans man cave
Where he had pooped,
And slung it on the walls. 

The incubation period for ROTA virus
Is 2 days. So Tuesday- BOOM !
Plus a touch of food poisoning...
The dreaded double whammy! 

Add to the mix Zantac 
is off the market for a month or so. 
So my ulcer didn’t survive the Holidays

A Perfect Storm. 

1 comment:

  1. Turns out, it was probably coronavirus- long before it had a name.
    Two years later- here we are!!


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