09 January 2020

caustic burns

Not sure what this is. 
But it’s the first thing 
I have eaten in 9 days 
That didn’t kill me to drink it. 

Maximum Cough Suppression. 
Brought to you from 
Self Loathers Anonymous. 

I did this. 
A little every day. 
Even showing up to work. 

I say this only cuz 
there’s nothing else to say. 
I believe I was a caustic agent
That caused my illness. 
Someone at the little 
Chinese Food Place
Cleaned the grill 
With something unauthorized. 
And I got a bit of it. 


  1. Ugh. That's awful! Hope you are on the mend.

  2. Yang
    I’m so glad me having caustic burns in my internal organs was helpful to you.
    Have a great day!

  3. Stay tuned next week for “Near Death Nursing” a special post on visits from beyond the grave- “When Dead Mom Comes to Claim Your Soul!”


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