01 August 2020

my worst month

I used to read these magazines
 To LoveDove
and we would spend hours 
looking at the pictures. 

The case got a kitten. 
So cute. 
The only place he gets any rest
Is in the boys room. 

August. The yukky month. 
All my break ups have been in August. 
All my job endings - August. 
I guess people are getting ready 
To go back to school. 
So they cut their losses. 

I will say this. 
Taking the Blends
Has made me much smarter. 
Must be the Nootropics. 
And anti-inflammatory properties. 

I start my fast today. 
Probably do 48 or 72 hours
All month. 

Atkins advocated going up in carbs
Till you get to a maintenance weight. 
Well. My blood glucose is stable. 
Which means I once again
Have a working pancreases! 
But- and I do mean “butt”
It showed up in weight gain
Of 10 precocious pounds. 
It wasn’t gradual. 
It jumped up. 
I had been able to have 20 to 60 carbs 
A day and sometimes more. 

Not making excuses. 
But we are in a global pandemic. 
And as a nurse, 
I’ve never worked harder. 
Not even in the war. 

It’s just way too easy
To stop and get a burger
And come home late 
And have a glass
Or two or three of wine

And crash out. 

Well poo. 
I walked around all day 
with my tag sticking out. 
Lol. I guess that’s ok. 

Fasting and walking. 
That’s my plan. 

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