Damn insomnia.
Ok learned to stay off Facebook
When you can’t sleep.
Some idiots out there.
One of them wrote
- With all of her passionate heart-
That Trump is buying all the 5G towers
And putting Tesla Coils on them
To give Americans free electricity.
But the stupid Lib-Tards
Won’t let him because
We want everyone to die
In CoVid concentration camps.
And they call us “sheeple!”
It’s like a nightmare.
But in real life.
My little one
Might not make it
Out of Coleus Quarantine.
wow there are some dummies out there. My uncle is one of them spouting off about all those ridiculous claims. I was also shocked to see a friend post on the 'book that she doesn't vaccinate any of her kids because "they" are implanting microchips into people with vaccines. I really wanted to say, "nay honey, they put it in your coors!" but decided to keep my mouth shut.