15 August 2020

counting “sheep”

Damn insomnia. 
Ok learned to stay off Facebook 
When you can’t sleep. 

Some idiots out there. 

One of them wrote 
- With all of her passionate heart-
That Trump is buying all the 5G towers
And putting Tesla Coils on them
To give Americans free electricity. 
But the stupid Lib-Tards
Won’t let him because 
We want everyone to die 
In CoVid concentration camps. 

And they call us “sheeple!”

It’s like a nightmare. 
But in real life. 

My little one 
Might not make it 
Out of Coleus Quarantine. 

1 comment:

  1. wow there are some dummies out there. My uncle is one of them spouting off about all those ridiculous claims. I was also shocked to see a friend post on the 'book that she doesn't vaccinate any of her kids because "they" are implanting microchips into people with vaccines. I really wanted to say, "nay honey, they put it in your coors!" but decided to keep my mouth shut.


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