02 September 2020


Meet Dr Hew Len. 
The guy who wrote about

So-called Hawaiian Healing. 
He supposedly “healed”
A group of criminally insane men
By cleaning his thoughts about them. 
He did “cleaning” of his thoughts 
Related to them. 
Here’s what he said:

I’m sorry. 
Please forgive me. 
I love you. 
Thank you. 

He asked himself “What is
Going on with me that I am seeing 
this person here before me?”
Past. Future. Data. 


Finally some rain. 
Rain all week. 

A Course In Miracles
I’ve been a student for nearly 30 years. 
And dang it. I’m not ascended yet! Lol! 
It says the same thing. 
We don’t know what anything is for. 

Done with the Eggs. 
For now. 

My Facebook Fasting Group
Is doing well. 
I want this to be the last time 
On earth 
That I lose 10 pounds and gain 10 pounds 
And lose 5 pounds and gain 7 pounds 
And lose 15 pounds for the reunion
And gain 20 pounds for the holidays. 
You get the idea!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I'm baaaack. Lol. Good to see you here. I'm doing a form of intermittent fasting...so this is cool...hope to see you around my new blog.


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