14 June 2020


Experience Keeps a dear school, 
But fools will learn in no other.  
Ben Franklin

People are giving away 
or selling cheap
Plant cuttings. 
Went and got some. 
Porch Pick Up. 
Right in the way home. 

Also a good time for bargains 
Thanks to the Recession
Economic Crisis, 
And Wolrd-Wide Global Pandemic. 
Oh - just that.   

A pretty little creek 
Right by the house. 
I’m ready to start my walking program. 
“Snake Walking,” Cole calls it. 
Walk about 2 MPH 
But walk a hella long way. 

My Starbucks Cold Brew Kit
Arrived. The trick is
-much like so many things in life-
It takes twice as long 
And costs twice as much 
As I first thought. 

Cold brew uses 1:1 ratio
Of coffee grounds to water. 
One scoop per cup. 
And instead of leaving it 
To brew overnight-
It actually takes 20 hours. 

See ya in the morning 
Ye Starbucks First Mate

It’s not really Friday. 
But it’s MY Friday. 

1 comment:

  1. Here I am, reading merrily along, not even noticing that it's not really Friday. It's disconcerting sometimes how long it is to figure out what day it is when I wake up. I love homemade cold brew, but in the morning, coffee has to be hot, no matter how summery it is. Afternoon, cold brew is fine. Love the creek...


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