20 July 2018

one step back

I felt super queasy yesterday after lunch. 
Took my BG and it was ok. 
Must be stress. 

Met with the planning committee 
for the 40th reunion. 
Facebook has made these events redundant,
In a way. Why see people from 40 years ago? 
Some of them haven’t matured a day
Since middle school. 

If I wanted to see some of these people,
I would have already seen them by now. 

The big questions are always the same. 
Who gained weight? 
Who married whom?
Who did well financially? 
Who is still a bully and jerk? 

Don’t mind me. 
I ran out of confidence yesterday. 
And I have very little faith 
In humanity. 
I have faith in friends, no doubt. 
But they are few and far between 
these days. 
There seems to be a shortage of niceness. 


  1. I dragged future H2 to my 20th HS reunion but skipped the 30th... (I don’t believe anyone got anything together for a 25th)

  2. Hoping your faith is restored soon. Hugs.

  3. I'm with you, friends can be tough to come by, or just each have space in life for each other at times. Hang in there. Keep being the niceness that's missing (I know it's tough).


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