Dear Readers.
This is all I’m planning to say
About our present situation.
Maybe I’ll have a few jabs
Now and again. But have no fear.

I respect people’s opinions
I respect people’s opinions
And differences.
And frankly - we have bigger fish to fry.
This is the Fourth Turning
so what can we expect?
Chaos for 5 more years.
Then calm for a good long time.
Just get through as best as you can.
Answers are coming
In the meanwhile, I saved my money
And bought every trump stock
And crypto coin that I could.
I’m going to ride this
till the wheels fall off.
I’ll be the first millionaire in my family.
I was already the first to go to college.
And the first to not go to jail.
And now back to our regularly scheduled
Daily low carb fiasco.
At least I didn’t gain!
So part of my head is still screwed on right!
This cocoa powder knocked me out.
It knocked everyone in the house out.
It even knocked the neighbors out.
Tastes like crap
But whatever works.
We don’t drink it for taste.
Cutting way back on daytime caffeine
And back on THC hemp and other things
That mess with the brain.
Like quitting booze.
Which I have done successfully.
All I want.
They had a party and
gave me a sampler plate.
Just a bit or two of
All the exotic flavors.
Lamb, Goat, Rice, Chicken, Salad,
And some things that are too sweet
Even for me.
I never lost my sweet tooth.
The cravings are there.
Such is each life.
Inside our brains are two toddlers.
One is a baby ego.
One is a baby Christ.
Choose carefully.
One disguises itself
As the other.
I’m listening
Field Mouse when wet.
You’ll know o reached millionaire status
If /when I show up completely shaved
And bald-headed. Heheheh
All this protein
My hair and nails grow super fast!
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