Early morning walk.
1/2 mile. Chicken Run.
Our WalMarts are HUGE here.
Like 175,000 Square Feet.
2 1/2 times around the farthest
inside walls- is about a mile.
On sealed concrete.
Panera Bread Broccoli Cheddar Soup.
Need something warm.
It helps the HH so much.
Went to bed early, but
the Apple Watch didn’t pick up.
Those Delta 9 gummies
Are the best. And they’re legal.
To sleep you need
1 Fall asleep fast
2 Stay asleep a while
3 Wake up refreshed
I like to sleep in a cold room
But after COVID I have night sweats
So pretty soon I’m freezing.
The Cowboys lost.
I’m not a sports fan at all.
No sport interests me.
Well, Drum Corp (DCI) is a sport.
So there’s that.
I think it’s silly how people get caught up.
My first hospital job had a contract
with the Dallas Cowboys.
So I’ve seen them all buck- naked. Hahahahha!
So one housemate sulked off to bed.
He’ll be unapproachable for weeks.
While the other housemate and I
chatted our goodbyes.
Elaine leaves for tour today.
I’m glad someone else noticed.
It’s probably a bell curve.
10% super achievers
10% super slackers
80% just show up to get paid.
Always prep the night before.
Always prep the night before.
It distinguishes us from teenagers.
Old Lady Hose. Lol
I love the compression hose.
I think they need socks.
Redundant but helpful.
Amazon has these in all colors.
They’re knee high.
And just a slight amount of compression
So they’re easy to put on.
Doctors tend to prescribe
WAAAAAY to small.
So the patient won’t wear them.
Pediatric Home Health is
Almost always done at home.
With mom and dad.
There are a few group homes
For kids - but very few indeed.
Even in DFW, the closest one
Is 3 hours away.
Nurses tend to not clean up
After themselves.
If you spill, clean it up.
Easy Peasty Lemon Pledge Squeezy!
Right? You would think.
Alas- not so much!
I used to get mad because it isn’t ”fair.”
Well - life is not fair., I’ve found.
And that’s just the way it is
And always will be.
This world is not our home.
This is a rice pillow.
You just stick some white rice
In a sock, a pillow, a pouch…
Anything cloth you can seal up.
Nuke it (microwave) 1 minute
And you have warmth for hours.
I gave these as stocking stuffers.
Housing is up.
Cars are up.
Food is up.
Energy is up.
This pandemic is like a snow globe
For the world. We’re all shook up!
You would think it would be common sense to clean up after oneself, common courtesy. My son is spending a year in Germany, living in a big house with like fifteen guys...only a few of them know how to clean up after themselves...some would just walk away from the table without even picking up their plate! One guy, almost 20 years old, didn't know how to cook eggs! Anyway. Rice bags, love them!!!! One of my daughters is in nursing school, graduates in the spring, and wants to go into pediatrics...we have a children's hospital in Syracuse, Golisano Children's...she's hoping to get in there....any tips, pointers, or wisdom you want to share, she'd be interested....:)