27 January 2023

how to be a nurse (1)

Good Eve-en-ing!
Grab some coffee. 
This post turned out to be LONG! 
I hope you enjoy it. 
More to come. 
For Della! 

We think Nursing 
Will be sweet. And happy. 

Well. It can be! 
We have our moments. 

Get ready. It’s not like on TV!
But- what really is? 
Lots of bodily functions 
Get left out of the stories. 
But, in a perfect world, 
we would not need nurses! 

Being a patient in the American 
Health Care System these days
Can be lonely, expensive, and often difficult.
Lots of questions. Lots of pain. Fear. 
Often, Doctors don’t have the answers. 
Our system treats symptoms. 
(More on this later!)

Those sick and hurting people 
are going to need a good nurse! 
Let’s dive right in!

Nursing is great for life. 
You can do every age of life. 
Every condition. Any specialty!
You’ll never be bored in Nursing. 
You’ll never need anything else. 

You could move to a new state,
And be working full time that same week. 
I always knew I would be a Nurse. 
From an early age. Like 4. 
When I got my first Nancy Nurse book. 
My mother worked in Medical Records, 
So I was raised around Doctors and Nurses. 
And Hospitals. And many stories. 

You can work in a National Park,
A Cruise Ship, 
work with Indigenous Peoples,
Corporate, School Nursing …
Clinic, Hospital, Rehab…
The sky isn’t even the limit -
You can do Flight Nursing! 

After graduating, and being deployed, 
I did one year Med-Surg
One year Cardiac
One year Post-Partum
One year Oncology 
One year Psych 
While in a civilian Hospital Float Pool. 
That’s a great way to get 
A well-rounded foundation.
Strive for that. 

I was definitely the persona-non-grata 
My first 3 years. I took shifts that 
Everyone else turned down. 
There are no small parts. Just small actors. 

Free Advice: be prepared to take
Crappy assignments and horrible hours
The first year or so. 
That’s where we learn the most. 
Nurses eat their young, they say…
And these COVID nurses are
Tired and they’re hungry!
There’s no way around it. 
First few years are hard.
Then, with any luck at all,
The Spirit of Florence will whisper 
To you “Good job!” And you’re 
Finally arriving- the inner circle! 
Remain flexible and humble. 
Nurses can be very petty. 
This is a long-term learning curve. 
Be patient. 

I also worked part time in a 
“Nursing Home” so a few years
Of Geriatrics, Geri Phych,
Dementia and Memory Care. 

I’ve done Wound Care. 
I ran a Group Home.  
This is the group home. Fancy. 
Those are my tables. 

Private Pay only. Not Medicare. 
And I’ve been Nurse of the Year 
And Nurse of the Month many times. 

I think of myself as being a Hospice Nurse 
Even now. With Kid and Baby Hospice. 
I’ve done 10 years of Adult Hospice. 
It’s honest. Raw. As real as it gets. 
No room for error or doubt. 
The pain stops here! 
My job is to provide comfort 
on the last days, and hours of life. 
There are some in-patient facilities 
That do hospice, but it’s mostly 
At each person’s home. 
I do the Crisis Care at the bedside. 

I am an LVN. Aka LPN. 
I chose to stay on this level of care,
Because back in the day, 
Officers were RNs
And Sergeants were LVNs. 
One is management. RNs. 
One is Labor. LVNs. 

But it’s not the same nowadays. 
They have a Vocational RN 
That can be earned in 2 years. 
So not a full BSN RN degree. 
The Board doesn’t distinguish 
Between an Associate RN
And a 4 year RN or even MSN. 
The hospitals get more money for working 
An RN as opposed to an LVN. 
So naturally they hire more. 
(More on this later!)

Travel Nursing is hot right now. 
The rates have already started to drop. 
But COVID made a spike! Like 10 fold. 
Travel Nursing is always there for us. 
You’ll need at least a year of experience 
Before you travel. 

35 + years ago, I was a CNA
And live-in caretaker to a rich lady. 
She was young and oh so foolish! 
I took the ASVAB 
[Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery]
and scored in the top 1%!

I was actively recruited by the Army.
And turns out, I was a perfect fit! 
Even though I was 28 years old. 
I went to Combat Medic School (91B)
And the LPN School (91C) 
Then, Operation Desert Shield 
And Operation Desert Storm. 
AKA The Gulf War. 

Humble-Bragging here,
But I earned 2 
Army Achievement Medals. 
Triaging Casualties for one award. 
The second one, I took an assignment 
That no one else wanted. Bam! 💥 
They pinned a First Oak Leaf Cluster 
On my chest. ❤️ next to my heart. 

Give me your hardest cases. 
I thrive on difficult cases. 

I graduated Nursing School in September. 
Sat for the boards in November,
And was deployed in December. 
I was in Germany- not the sandbox-
Because I was part of a General Hospital 
And not a M*A*S*H unit. 
Mobile Army Surgical Hospital. 
Yes. It really is a real thing. 

I was a Squad Leader all through Basic.
Don’t forget-  you have to do real 
Basic Training to join the Army. 
They don’t water it down for the ladies. 
Hand grenades, bivouac, bazookas,
Constant yelling and running. 
Usually in the rain at 4 am. 

Historically, civilian nurses 
were given a HESI. 
[Health and Environmental Science Institute.]
It’s a test of General Knowledge. 
Like basic Grammar. 
Basic math. How to drive 
Through an intersection. 
What spoon to use with soup. 
A lady won’t eat. What can you do? 
And you have to say why. 

I didn’t have to take the HESI. 
We were already EMTs to get in. 
But I think some Schools require it. 
The HESI is to get IN to Nursing. 
The NCLEX is to get out
Of School and becoming a Real Nurse! 
[NCLEX = National Council 
Licensure Examination]

Which will probably be 
the most exciting day of your life! 
The school part is done! 

But really, it’s just getting started. 

In Nursing School, 
we had weekly Pharmacology Tests. 
You were not allowed to miss 
even one question 
On one test one time. 
Or flunk out. 
We had didactics every week,
Clinical Modules,
And of course Clinical Rotations. 
We were up doing PT 
Before dawn every day. 

The Army paid me $600 a month
To go to Nursing School. 
Plus school was free. 
But I had to payback 8 years. 
So not really free per se! 

Every career has its flip side. 
Nursing is hard. 
It’s very hard. Abnormally hard. 
I honestly don’t see how some people pass. 
I see many people that are just in it for the money. 
They do crappy work. And they’re usually bitter. 

I chose Pediatric Home Health 
Years ago because I broke my arm. 
Yes. Fractured Radial Head. 
(It’s that hypermobily. Ugh)
So I took a pediatric case 
“Just for a few weeks.”
I ended up staying 11 years! 
And now I’m back for more. 

Once you get a year or so of training,
You can finally take a kiddo case. 
Home Health, you deal with stable kids. 
But they are also medically fragile. 
And most moms work these days. 
So it’s just you and the kid. 

I get kids with rare obscure illnesses. 
I’ve had several child abuse cases,
Closed-Head Injuries, 
Subdural Hematomas etc 
A Munchausen By Proxy.
Organs born outside the body

They can keep kids alive 
through so many conditions -
They’re so strong and resilient. 
All filled up with stem cells and ready 
And they’re filled with Love. 
All love. 

1 comment:

  1. Anne, I LOVED this post. I knew you had been in the Army, but wow! A little bit of everything, and being a soldier at the same time, not for the faint-hearted. A few of my girls worked in Med-Surg, and ICU floors, and said you have to get a little bit jaded, to protect yourself. My oldest did floor nursing for ten years before finishing her nurse practitioner education, and had a few different situations that almost broke her...one when my son was stationed in Afghanistan (he was a medic there, and that's a whole another story), but her patient was a young Army guy, also was in Afghanistan, who had been bitten by a stray dog, and had contracted rabies. (home base was Fort Drum, northern NY state) When Emily walked into his room and saw those boots there on the shelf ,the same ones her brother wore, she had to turn around and leave the room. I read your post three times, you've lived a very interesting life, and if I'm ever in Texas, I'm coming for coffee! Anyway, I read it to Sonja, my nursing school daughter, and she enjoyed it too. She has so much to learn, and ha, fresh meat...the good thing is there is SUCH a need for healthcare workers, they're paying top dollar at Upstate in Syracuse...I think like 87-90k to start. That salary is in addition to excellent benefits, paid higher education, retirement plan...she'll be working her butt off, but she'll be able to buy a car and stop driving mine...:). Anyway, thank you, I think you have summed it up nicely, and you should write a book...


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