10 September 2024

short days

Before and after a birthday cake 
For Mommy. 

My Yield Max ETFs 
Are thriving. 
Sorry to brag but right now
This is the only thing keeping me going. 
This feeling of hope for the future. 

The Bitch Night Nurse
Saw the supply closet was empty,
And the new supplies had come in. 
But instead of restocking, 
She brought in one bag. 
One fucking bag. 

Floors will be done soon. 

I sleep badly. 
I take Advil all the time. 
I was banned from Advil. 
But this boy I take care of
Pulled my arm and tore
My rotator cuff. 
On the right side. 

Typical boy- my patient. 
He says things he doesn’t mean
To get a rise out of me. 
Like he won’t speak 
when he is asked to speak. 
And won’t shut up 
when he needs to stop talking. 
Then he says stupid things 
Thant make no sense. 
Then usually makes himself 
Vomit. But only after a bath 
And linen change. 

I’m tired. That’s it. 
I am tired. 

08 September 2024

wrecking days

Out with the old. 
In with the new. 
New look. New feel. 

Little baby kitty 
Makes a house call. 
Then went home to mommy. 
Only 4 weeks old. 

Oldest trick in the book. 
Processed LC junk food. 

Well… it’s warm and has 
Some nutrients in there. 
Healthy choice Bowls. 

Restless AF 

My screwed up 
Diabetic toenails. 
After the pedicure 
(Which she didn’t finish, by the way)
They offered a glass of wine. 
I should have taken it. 

More discovery 
I am having a hard time 
Keep up with the changes. 
I don’t think I process information 
As rapidly and completely 
As other people. 
Sometimes, I’m the last to catch on. 

06 September 2024

grilling days

Grilling is the best. 

The secret is preparing 

I finally got out 
The Seal-A-Meal 
FoodSavor from like 2013

Left these out in the rain.  
It sucks to be involved with 
An undiagnosed schizophrenic. 
It’s like rooming in with a shark. 
They destroy everything they touch. 

My new light fixture. 
I will eventually move into that bedroom. 
But we have to fumigate it first.
A person who only bathed 
A few times a year at best -
Just moved out from there. 

Darker yet 

moving days

Not sure how rich people do things 
But the rest of us need a place to work
While we work on 
what we’re working on. 

So it’s Musical Chairs 

Went to the doctor two Wednesdays. 
I was up 1 kg exactly 
Then back down 
Like nothing happened. 
I can fluctuate 10 pounds in a week. 
Sometimes almost a day.