07 May 2011

deep ellum

Went to a CrossFit Box in Deep Ellum -
Nearly in Downtown Dallas.

Lots of old buildings have been turned into lofts
All around Deep Ellum

Deep Ellum was once the Bohemian
Arts District (real art)

My sister used to take me to art shows in Deep Ellum,
During the Hippie Days.

This CrossFit Box is just like you would imagine

Lots of Grunge music

The essence of CrossFit

Sweat and cement

Here, when someone says 
"Nice snatch!"
The answer is "Thank you!"

Went to the Chiropractor...
He confirmed what I suspected.
No tear to my Rotator Cuff.... just impingement.
He did some maneuvers - very strong guy!
And says I should be back to sucking normal
in no time! He's a Sports Doc who love CrossFit himself!

Put some tape on my arm. And told me to come back
next week. Very reasonable answer to what could have 
been a pretty serious problem!

And it's still not too late to enter the give-away
For MizFit's awesome work-out cards!

Hope your day is ABsolutely wonderful!


  1. "Let's see your jerk" is right up there as well!

  2. LOL! Nice snatch. Nowhere else can that be said in polite society. ;-)

    Glad it's not too serious.

    I'm really intrigued by Crossfit but intimidated. One day I will. :)

    Hope you have a wonderful day too.

  3. I would always shout out NICE SNATCH! at my son's football games. It never failed to make me laugh!!!

    CrossFit is too hard core for me!

    You have an ABsolutely wonderful day too!!!

  4. What a wonderfully intense atmosphere. It matches that intense look on your face in the chiropractor pic. Down to serious business! Snatches and all. (I'd have a terrible time keeping a straight face regarding those names.)

  5. Crossfit sounds dangerous, Anne. LOL I'm glad you rotator cuff is okay. I've lost some range of motion in my left shoulder. I think I've just strained it from sleeping on that side but not sure. Anyway, I'm happy you got checked out and will be fine. Have a good Saturday.

  6. Wow, your chiro sounds amazing.

    Glad he is fixing you right up.

  7. Yay! He is at that!
    He took me in the same day I called.
    Gave me his own number if I needed him.
    Gave me a CrossFit workup!
    I feel really good about the whole thing!

  8. Glad there is nothing seriously wrong with your shoulder! That CrossFit place looks crazy scary, but awesome in a way!

  9. Great that you got fixed. You look great, though. I am always amazed at the transformation.


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