31 May 2022

trouble in river city

But first, cute cats. 

Poor BitCoin. 
Buy Buy Buy

Not a bad strategy actually. 

Eggs Benedict 
Without the toast. 
The Hollandaise Sauce is so easy! 
4 egg yolks. Melted Butter - one stick. 
Lemon. Salt. 
Stick blender. Never fails. 

All the news is that a famous
Member of Low Carb Community 
Is in legal trouble. 
The whole group is aghast. 
Phones are buzzing. 

30 May 2022

Memorial Day

A good day of eats. 

Light burned out. 
Then the other one burned out. 
The dad at the case 
changed my bulbs. 
It took like 5 minutes. 

These are Xenon replacements. 

Day off to do absolutely nothing. 

29 May 2022

one day more

America has lost its mind. 

Nurse Ratched-
I want MY cigarettes! 
I want MMYYYYYY rights! 

Yay for Keto Con!

Salad with all the trimmings. 

Egg Bites. 
That Hot Sauce was 
starting to decompose. 
Time to re-up. 
I keep this at work and 
This family doesn’t 
Refrigerate condiments. 

I’m shocked at how many people don’t. 
I guess if you use it every day…
It’s ok. Big family etc.  

Snack Bites. 

I pity the fool who tastes these. 
They’re 100% carbs. 
Except in this case, 
They were fried in canola oil. 
Yuk. Yum. Yum- Yukky!

CBD before bed. 
Not enough CBD. 
I need about 100 my. 

So I can do this^^^

Quick walk in WalMart. 

Pulse got up. 
That’s what counts. 

Blue skies and 
Low Carb Alibis. 
Is that how you spell 
The plural for “Alibi”? 
It looks wrong. 
What the bleep do I know!?!

28 May 2022

no nurse day

Summer in Texas. 
Much of Texas is semi-arid. 

Every time I stall
In weight loss, people say it’s the 
Monster Drink I have every day. 
Well. Maybe so. 

Salad. Before. 

Salad. After. 


Ranch Dressing with a little 
Broccoli in there somewhere. 

Took a long walk yesterday. 

No walk today. 
I was supposed to train a Nurse. 
But the company sent her
Somewhere else. Wow. 
They knew about this -
They planned for this -
But didn’t manage to tell me
Until after my shift had started. 
Sometimes I wonder 
How they stay in business. 

Well. School is out. 
Summer is here. 
Time for the summer schedule. 
Early morning walks 
And light meals 
With not much indoor cooking. 

The Nurse who was going to work
For me a second day- 
Took another case. 
This Nursing Shortage. OMG. 
I’m pretty sure it wasn’t 
Supposed to be like this.