13 October 2023

last call

Morning off
I usually have Covefe 
Just on my days off now. 

From the World Wide Web 

So this is my future. 
For better or worse. 

In Tampa, I decided 
Once and for all that I need to stay
- or move- 
But quit bitching either way. 
“It is what it is!”
Deal or No Deal. 

I have a friend who thinks
She will join a MLM company 
And it will make her a millionaire 
In a few short years- with a little more work. 

It made me sad. 
We Americans waste lots of time
Preparing for being a Future Millionaire. 
It’s so prevalent in our culture 
You’re an outsider if you 
Don’t believe it. 

It’s like a midlife crisis. 
Where you think you 
woulda coulda shoulda
Done everything differently. 
Perfectly. Effortlessly. 

But we know that nothing is perfect. 

Same with work. 
I’m where I am - and that’s OK
The vast silent majority of Nurses 
Don’t get much recognition 
for the hard work and dedication…
The daily dose of Nursing. 
It’s all vocational. 
I’m vocational. All nursing is a vocation. 

Maybe that’s why people stay married 
When they’re obviously unhappy. 
They are afraid of losing what little they have. 

It’s ok to dream and do other things. 
When I get like this-
I’m usually really tired 
And have no fight left in me. 

I’m still tired from COVID 

My first job is to be happy. 
Which includes being sane. 
And eating on plan. 
Walking, sunning, 
And playing with cats. 
Whilst listening to music. 

Sounds like a good life! 

And now for that Covefe. 

1 comment:

  1. I’ve been voluntarily living a simple life… so it makes no sense to wish for anything else at this juncture…lol


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