31 July 2010

biggest little county

A farmer's market in downtown Rockwall!

Local things from far and wide

Kinda makes your mouth water, doesn't it?

You can't get these in the store, they tell me.

Local talent entertaining the shoppers
Taking a plum break

Rockwall is the smallest county in Texas.
And one of the wealthiest!

I walked into a tree  *wham!*
Someone saw me do it, and asked it I needed stitches.
No, I'll be fine once the bleeding stops.

Went on home to avoid a heat stroke and sub-dural hematoma.

Coffee and cream
Diet ginger ale and protein
Salt and pepper
Here and there, back and forth
Here and Now
Getting ready for Monday evening...
The office group is going belly dancing,
and they asked if I wanted to go along.
At first I was like "No!"
Then I was like "Why Not?"

YouTube belly dancing video
Why it's so darn good for ya!


  1. OMG! Your poor head! I hope you are okay, Anne. Yikes.

    Your farmer's market is great and as always you have a wonderful eye for photos.

    I can't wait to hear about the belly dancing!!! I bet you have a BLAST!!!! Bring your camera :-)

    Feel good, jj

  2. Ouch, take it easy on that head. Enjoying some of those peppers should heal you quick, they look so tasty. Oh, was the tree ok?

  3. Belly dancing...how fun! You better post photos of you in one of those outfits! LOL

  4. Love going to farmers markets....everything is so fesh and colorful. Hope you are okay and I have to admit I tried belly dancing...ONCE...wasn't very good at it. Have fun my friend......:-) Hugs

  5. Sorry for the floggin' o' the noggin'.

    You simply can't trust trees.

  6. Ouch! Sorry about your close encounter with that darned ole tree. That had to smart - big time. Hope you are okay!

    Belly dancing would so fun. Go have some fun!

  7. We keep saying we are going to the Farmers Market and now it's about to late!
    Can't wait to see the belly dancing pics!!

  8. First moldy broccoli, now the attack of the Tree??!!

    I hope you feel okay by now!
    And LOVED the Farmer's Market pics. You have quite a knack with getting wonderful angles, colors, and interesting compositions.

    And yes, I am now drooling for a fresh peach!


  9. Hope you are feeling ok since your head bump. And our Farmers Market is opening this Tuesday. I can't wait. Watch out for moving trees.smile.

  10. Saturday farmers market
    Monday belly dance
    Why not?

  11. Anne, I heard of "shop til you drop," but I don't think they meant that literally. I hope your head heals quickly, because it sounds like you'll be needing some hip attention on Monday ... fun!

  12. Those tree have such a bad habit of just walking right out in front of you!! Hope your head feels better soon.
    Belly dancing sounds like it would be a blast :)

  13. bonk, on da noodle, sucks... belly dancing... with the entire outfit? the veils and clanging finger things? Pictures... pictures!!!

    Karla @ myweightin2010.blogspot.com


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