05 May 2018

theatre and wine

This is Hemp Seed Oil infused Wine.  
Very sweet. 12% alcohol. 
Made here in Texas! 

I love the idea, but it was too sweet for me. 
This was tea flavored. 
Tasted like freshly mown grass. 

Instant Pot Stew. 

Sorry nice I started fasting, 
I eat much less, when I do eat. 
This regular sized pot has this much left over. 

Watching Handel’s Messiah-
The Staged Version. 

Not too shabby. 
I try to walk in the morning
Outside - to get as much sun as possible. 

Almost had a day off. 
Ended up spending some time 
In the office, doing yearly compliance stuff. 

1 comment:

  1. I wasn’t sure how Pete would like the Handel. He ended up asking me why I never had shown it to him before! It was a great night.


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