17 January 2019

no pics today

Well, Cindy’s Dear Dad died. 
The end of an era. 
All the way around. 

I’m glad I convinced her to call Hospice 
So they could start Crisis Care. 

I drove up to see her, 
Since my morning case was cancelled- 
and spend a little time.  
Maybe help out. 
You know, let the dog out,
And make sure everyone 
gets to where they’re going. 

They need to come up with a name 
for when you’re the caregiver,
 and your loved one dies. 

It’s a messy mess of feelings
When that happens. 
Like relief. And sleep. 
And then you feel guilty 
for thinking that way. 
And grief. 

Old or young, it’s never easy. 

Lol. ETA. 
As I was writing this, 
sitting in the empty room 
where Cindy’s dad was, 
a Hospice Nurse knocked on the door. 
He didn’t realize the shift
 had been cancelled 
since the patient has passed. 

That’s an awkward time. 
Glad I was here to answer the door
And redirect traffic! 

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