25 January 2019

new case

Crappy ass compromised sleep. 

Bathroom project is all but done. 

I enthusiastically tried 
To throw my heart and mind 
Into a new case. 
It was already a stand-alone disaster. 
And it’s not even been a few hours. 

I wouldn’t want me to be 
my baby’s nurse either. 
I’m a mess. 
I’m going to tell them - no more babies. 


  1. Please don't be so hard on yourself. You just need some time to recover from the shock and the grief (not that the grief ever completely goes away). My husband collapsed and died in front of me about a year and a half ago. Totally unforeseen. I think you may have some PTSD. Can you see a counselor? It helped me quite a bit. {{{Hugs}}}

  2. Yes. I’m sure in time my shock and sorry will fade. It hasn’t even been a month. We haven’t even cleaned her room and packed away her little toys.
    I’m saddened from her loss and full of questions about the way she died.


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