30 June 2010

Dominion Day

It's Canada Day.... again!
And that means pictures of Paul Gross,
From Due South.

I have every episode of Due South on DVD.
Been a fan since forever.
From A to Zed.

This is our Dear Mountie on the phone.
Something (or someone) important, no doubt.
They always get their man! Or woman. 

Extra points if you know what kind of blanket this is called.
But no fair, if you are already a Canadian....
They all already know what kind of blanket this is called.

So take off  - and grab a nice Canadian beer.
A two-four?

Or a nice Timmy, eh?   (Sept '09)

Or cook up some Canadian Bacon... or Poutine

Or some Men With Brooms kind of action!
*told ya I'm a fan!*

 Keep All Canadians Busy!

O, Canada!
Where pines and maples grow ♫♪
God Save Our Noble Queen!

Happy Birthday Canada!
Thank You, Kindly!
Monster w protein
Hamburger with green beans
An avocado
Tea - I drank tea today
Water and fizzy water
About 9,000 steps today
All righty, then!
And some Loreena
Penelope's Song
YouTube Video

29 June 2010

lost and found

Harley - the new boss *D - o - double G*
Sees everything in black and white.
But he's all ears, if you just want to talk.

This isn't Bevo - the University of Texas mascot...
And this isn't Elsie - 
Reckon I'm lost....
I am lost.

So I try to fix the situation...  join the TomTom Club
Now that I am a blonde, I need it!

Back to life - back to reality - 
however do ya want it ♫♪
however do ya need it ♫♪

Adjusting to the hair.... it's ok, eh?

A "5 table ring!"
Why is it called a 5 table ring?
Because you can see it from 5 tables away!
Dress-up Day! More fun and games in Hospice.... lol

Monster w concentrated whey protein
Egg white protein
Water, coffee
Package of mixed nuts
MetRX Ready to Drink LoCarb protein 
SO hungry when I got home!
I cooked a cube steak and green beans...
With Mrs Dash and Chipotle hot sauce!
And a cup of hot tea unsweetened.
7,500 steps today 
And a wee little work out 
Just enough to say I was there.
It shouldn't count -
and it doesn't count, per se!
Now that I've un-lost-ified myself,
(or is that un-losted?)
I hope you are still having an awesome week!

28 June 2010

easy does it

My mini- home gym!

Bought these from craigslist for about $100 altogether...
The dude said they were "free weights" but I paid anyways...
What a dumb-bell I was...

What? Is that dust?
How did that get there?

"From left to right"
Treadmill, bike on a trainer, weight bench
resistance bands, back brace and free weights.

A clear shower curtain with a prism design.
Lets in light, but no one can see inside!
I never made that valance, either.
Time to finish what I started!

I ran through my every excuse in the book...
Every delaying tactic...
Every reason...they were reasons, right?

After a year of serious effort...
and results - I am ready to get back to basics.

Time to get seriouser 
in an "easy does it" kinda way.

P90X is still on the dvd player!
The chin up bar helped me to stand up taller,
after a couple of years of slouching...
See it over the door?

A little progress!
This is me in March...
About 90 days ago.
Something's working!
Slowly butt surely.

Monster w/ concentrated whey protein
Egg white protein
Cube steak w/ Heinz 57 (a couple o' carbs)
Water, coffee w/ heavy cream
Atkins bar (tired of them already)
8,000 steps at work today!
After the buffet the other day,
I am doing a little (modified) protein fast...
In this case, it wasn't carbs, but sodium I had too much of.
So no salt for a couple of days.
The P90X guy says to focus on the task at hand.
Well said!
Still driving around listening to Wicked.
I love me some Wicked. ♫♪♫♬

How is your day going so far?
Wonderful, I hope!

27 June 2010

a buffet kind of day

A neighbour wanted to take me out to feed me.
After my hair fiasco.  (Distraction?)
A buffet! I did ok.
Choices, choices.
A Caesar Salad with cheese.
A slice of roast and 3 Brussels Sprouts.
A spoonful of greens to taste them.
A little slice of Tilapia with cabbage and green beens.
And a brocoli. She's chopping brocoli. ♫♪
Then, at work today, I was like all  * # ☁ ⚡
Then, I thought better of it. And settled down.
And re-assessed the situation.
(Gratuitous hair pic. It looks ok to me now.)
Nurses use "The Nursing Process" 
to solve problems and get things done.
"The Nursing Process is The Life Process!"

P = Problem
I = Intervention
E = Evaluation
(Yep - it spells PIE)
 P..... What is the real problem?
I..... What did you do about it?
E..... Did it work? How well? Or not....
Choices, choices. 
Sometimes its easy to make good choices. Others suck.
Some are made for us. They just seem to happen.
There are no small upsets when it's yours!
But we can be ok with whatever we decide.
Or maybe change some aspect of it.
There's almost always something we can do.
And learn to tell the difference! (Or not!)

Today at work
Monster w/ protein
Atkins bar, snack pkg of nuts,
Water, coffee w/ cream
Monster w/out protein
Egg white protein
4 slices ham and 4 slices cheese
5,000 steps at work.
The day was good and went by fast!

Hope your week is the best week evah!

26 June 2010

bad hair day

Unaccustomed as I am
to "fancy" things,
like make up, and hair spray,
I thought I would expand my repertoire
and get my hair "done."

I am finding that I have an extremely low tolerance for change.
Especially when it is just a little out of my comfort zone.
Or new. Or potentially controversial.
I feel almost "disabled" in a way, at times.
This vague - and outright anxiety..... beyond shyness.
This agoraphobic -like resistance to change...
Yet all the while craving it with all my heart....

Knee-jerk reactions: I can't say why but the answer is "no."
Too much change in one year?
Self-sabotage? Displacement? Transference?
Defense? Coping? Eff it all.
I would never fault anyone for the choices they make
when they are under the spell of this doubt and angst.
So I went back to my "roots" - so to speak.
It's not just my hair that is over-processed!
It feels like failure....but it isn't.
It's part of a new learning curve - I know.
My blog has been all over the place lately eh?
Who knew weight-loss could be such a ride.
Blame it on the full moon?

Looking at last night's full moon!
This just in:
I was born blonde and grew up "jet blonde"
until I went to college - where I turned brown headed.
And brown~ish I remained until the last few years.
First grade in my Parochial School uniform.
So long ago, they only had sepia tones! (lol)

25 June 2010

a long day

The local 7-11 has cheese and hard boiled eggs.
And fruit and stuff....
My numbers are usually good -
even with all the caffeine
I won't say the scrubs are tight....
But they are not as loose as they were last week...
Over 13,000 steps today at work
And I'm not done yet!
Can you see the guy walking around in the street?
Egg protein, Atkins bar (which was yukky and I didn't finish)
Cheese, Monster drink, and water all day!
And since I worked so many hours,
I had a hamburger with no bun.
Imagine that!

I am off on Saturday and will be cleaning
And doing laundry. Yay!
I'm happy to do these "mundane" chores.
I think it's part of my work to stay "grounded."

I hope your weekend is just wonderful!
Peace - out!