23 August 2019

tuna stand off

Got to water the poor trees. 
It’s hot with no rain. 
So much for the drought being over. 

I Love You. 
You’re Perfect. 
Now- Change. 

Good title! 

It always changes. 
Well... just in the crazy realms. 

The mess I inherit every shift. 

Is I did this I would not have
 a job to come back to. 

Such laziness and incompetence 
I have never seen - on any case. 
A grade schooler could do better than this. 
Some RNs let the title 
Gto their head. 

Yes. Stranger. 
I am now a stranger to myself. 
I would never have moved in here 
If I had known I would be living
Like this. 

The silent treatment continues.
There’s a can of tuna, 
Partiality opened- that’s been 
Sitting on the counter for 
Over a week. 
We’re in a Death Match
 to see who eventually throws it away. 

1 comment:

  1. Very late catching up on blogs - sorry to read that things have gone south w/your housemate.
    But I am intrigued by your herbal supplements - are they specifically to assist fasting, to dissolve kidney stones or what?


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