02 September 2019

happy happy


Sleepy at work. 
Trying to do without coffee. 
Just too much work. 

Watching a DVR series 
Of Law & Order SVU. 
99 to 19. 
1999 to 2019. 

The boys are transitioning 
To raw chicken today. 
With bones! 

Once a week, we brush
And do all the cat things. 
It should be every day. 
I’m getting back to that. 

My housemate has not spoken to me
For nearly a month. 
Best month I’ve had here. 
It’s a crude solution 
But probably the best one. 

My Human Boy loves Moby Dick. 
We also listened to Pachabell
And he fell in love with it. 
Those Sennheisers are gold. 

It’s amazing to see his reactions. 

The combination of 
Trinity and Seven Sages
Has such magical properties-
It’s really amazing! 

It haven’t done any dry fasting 
Or even snake juice this week. 
I just take the herbs with coffee. 

Despite all the crazy crap at home,
And the hard hours at work, 
I’m so happy! 
I think they work great! 
They get rave reviews on
Interstellar’s page. 

1 comment:

  1. (I hope you are adding the chicken livers/hearts & gizzards to your boys’ rations as well)
    Getting ready to order my herbs now that a new month has begun & I'm flush again...


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