28 September 2019

cloudy day

Sleeping weather? 
It’s like 80° here with high humidity. 
But- It’s like 55° in Portland, Maine. 

Come on and rain. 
Almost October- 
And it’s still 100° in the day. 

My guts! 

I like seeing the visceral area. 
I’m sure it looked worse 
10 years ago! 

A CT scan makes over 400 images. 
That’s a whole bunch of xrays. 
I think I might glow in the dark. 

Generic Zantac
 is being taken off the market. 
Some impurity. 
I never take generic anything. 
If I can help it. 
I learned that from the Army. 
As cheap as they are, 
They don’t buy generic meds.
They’re not mixed well,
And they are often impure. 

But I do take real Zantac. 
I bought a few bottles since the Baby died. 
But I haven’t taken it for weeks. 

I’m did my steps and stayed true 
to my  “no cream” pledge. 
Which means no coffee. 
I can’t do black coffee. 

Trying to get a picture of my eye. 
So my friend RonRon Rhonda
Can read my iris. 
Such drama!
It looks like a movie poster 
For a Women’s Prison Fight Club 

My eyes change color. 
The more meat I eat-
They’re almost blue. 
And when I’m mad- 
They’re firey green.!

My Dear Mother used to say
 If my eyes were green-
She’d back off for a few hours. 

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