10 April 2019

lawn mower

My new hobby is sleeping late 

My new food is Chili from a Can. 
I do much better with some carbs
When I have this wound 
Or when my leg was broken. 

But first, some cats pictures. 
My dear companion. 

I read all the reviews 
And opted for a medium priced 
Mulching mower. 
All those grass clippings in bags 
Just never made sense to me. 

Especially when I’m the one
Hauling it to the curb. 

I’m looking forward to 
Doing some mowing etc. 
my weight is so stable
But my body composition 
Is in flux. 
My best guess is the protein. 

I’ve been craving 
HaggenDas Strawberry 
Ice Cream. 
I never had that 
even when I was heavy. 

But first, some cofeve. 
Lol. A Two Fister Day! 

The mom asked me to work on my day off
I told the company No. 
that isn’t going to happen! 

I had already offered 
to work on Wednesday 
A partial day. 
She said no. So I made plans. 

Cutting  my hair and 
Cutting the grass! 
Like all the people 
Who live in houses do. 

Five days. Five days. 
Five days Five Daaaaaaaays! 
(Sung to the tune “Jolene”)

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