16 July 2018

meat can’t be beat

Be a Pediatric Nurse, they said! 

It’ll be fun, they said! 
And, of course, it is. 

I fast all day, then eat one meal. 
OMAD. One Meal A Day. 
Keeps insulin away. 

And no buns. 
I am completely gluten feee again. 

Sleep is so important. 
I never get enough. 
Gotta work on that. 


  1. I get more sleep than this, but it’s kinda restless.
    I am glad I’m not getting up to go see Mother Nature 3 times a night anymore.

  2. Hi! I'm a low carber too :) 4+ years now. Seeing your burger with buns inspired me to pass along something I learned just last week from another low carber: you can order patties only at many/most fast food places! Then - no bun to toss! Although there is a waste factor, as it is then served in plastic. So maybe the bun means less waste. Anyway: an option! Low carb on. Love your blog.

  3. For me, it’s a win-win, since the buns go to mah dogs - they think it’s yummy, a nice, meat-juice garnished bun!
    It’s easier than confusing the cashiers...


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