I love sleep now that I quit wine.
Who woulda thunk it.
Salami Salami Bologna.
Kerry Gold Sliced Cheese.
I love Pine Pollen.
It’s like the Ultimate
Fasting Companion.
Once you get past the taste.
It tastes like Pier One smells.
I should say that
I love the effects. Lol.
A view to look forward to.
On a work calendar.
These are for rent
For $80 a night.
It’s an old, unused Ranger Tower.
They once used these for for lookouts.
Now they use drones.
However- there’s a mile hike
From the parking area to the outpost.
That- with gear- I can not do.
Since I changed dates for the raft ride,
I will now be camping almost
Under the New Moon.
3% illumination.
According to locals
(Who would know)
The train runs parallel to the river.
For the campers to moon the train!
So there will be some moon
At any rate.
Frustrating traffic.
Any hour of the day
It’s always there.
Two Nurses were talking
at the bedside of the boy.
“Do you think he’s
awake in there?
I mean- is he alive?
Does he understand?”
The other nurse said NO.
She had her doubts.
After all, all he does is grunt
When he’s mad.
And he’s always mad.
The boy lost it.
Of course he’s awake
In there!
But he saw for the first time
That he’s being misunderstood
By family and nurses
And doctors and mom and dad
And everyone!
I’ve got him at middle school
High school age.
It’s like he had a 5 year coma.
And now he’s out of it.
So I told him to roll over,
During morning care.
And he punched me
In the nose.
Dead on.
Perfect aim
Man- I lost it!
I dressed him down
-nicely, of course-
But firmly and directly.
It’s hard to tell sick kids “No!”
But I did.
We’ll see if this is the break
I’ve been looking for!
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