31 December 2018

call me

You can see the exact moment
when I got the text. 
“Call me.”
That’s never good. 

Indeed. My little baby Hospice girl
Has died. 
My Love Dove. 

My heart stayed up in the bounding range
For a few hours after. 
I’m still not settled. 

Ive cried for 8 hours 
Without stopping. 

I want to go see her. 
I want to pick her up and tell her fun things. 
And sing silly songs. 
And listen to our music. 

Her little Christmas Bells. 

Death is so hard. 
Especially when it’s sudden. 


  1. I have been reading your blog for a while but the first time I have posted, and yet I have no words but to say that I am so sorry for your loss and the family's loss as well.

  2. Oh my dear, I am so sorry to hear about your sweet little girl. Words can never say how much it hurts when loss comes, whether expected or completely out of the blue.
    Look after yourself and be kind to you now. Remember that you need to allow yourself time to feel and grieve. Hugs from over the water. Deniz

  3. I'm so, so sorry. You must be incredibly strong to have a job that sets you up for such heartbreak. Please take care. Eileen

  4. It would be awesome if we could prepare, we think we are but in all reality, nope! 14 years taught me that. 6 wee ones. 6 families that I help. 6 hearts that quit and 6 that broke mine. Nope sweetie, you can't prepare no matter what.
    I am so very, very sorry. I wish I could make it better. I wish words could do that.
    Praying for some peace, peace that will come but surly not right now.

  5. I am so sorry for your loss. I could never do your job, you are a super hero to so many families. Please take care of yourself.

  6. I appreciate everyone coming to leave such loving and supportive comments.
    Going through this might be the hardest thing I’ve done.


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