02 August 2009

cleaning and errands

tempus fidget

Today is a day of "catching up" for me.
It seems that we do things by the clock or the calendar.
I wasn't ready to change until the psychological barrier of "crossing the date line" brought us into a new month. Whereas before, I might have let things go just a little, now I am ready to tidy up all the things that just need a good cleaning...

. . . . computer files. . . . underneath the cabinets. . . . summer clothes that are now too big. . . . mental files that are now too small. . . . (notes to self). . . . . my truck. . . .

Sometimes "sanity" is all in the details. In fact, the word "sanity" and "sanitary" both come from the same root word. As in clean. And as in "sanitarium!"

From Anglo-French sanité. From Latin sanitat- sanitas health, sanity. From sanus healthy, sane...

So here's to sanity in all of it's forms. Such a cruel mistress!


  1. I agree, I get random urges to just clean out everything. Enjoy your August cleaning!

  2. Thanks - I actually AM enjoying it - what a treat when the mood strikes to get it done!

  3. "mental files that are now too small..."

    Oh, I really like this one...and I'll have to go see if anything's too small and can be let out some.

  4. I am also gearing up for major purge and clean mode. The biggest being the garage so when winter comes I can actually park my car in there, LOL.

  5. What about Santi Claus? Busted a hole in your theory about a mile wide, I guess...

  6. Santi Claus is always the exception to every rule!

  7. All I could think of was sanitary napkins. That's all I got. Junior high remark. Not humor, really, cuz that would require a punchline, and that I do not have.

  8. I had a major clearout on the week I began this journey, but I still have plenty more to do. I am thinking less extra baggage on the outside will also equate to less baggage on the inside. All good, I think.

    Bet you feel very noble now!

  9. I'm a bit of a neat freak... except for a few corners in my office and a closet that everything gets thrown in. Nothing feels better than to haul all that junk out!

  10. Though I do love a clean house, I very rarely get the urge to actually clean. What can I say? I'm lazy and I have low standards :P

  11. i find the more light and fit i get the more i clean. moving is easier, breathing is easier.

    "summer clothes that are too big" ah righteous!

  12. My goal is to one day be completely IN *sanity*

  13. I love it when i'm in the mode! So far not this week :(

  14. First - Thanks for all the support.

    And Second - Could not agree more. To Sanity in all its forms!!

  15. i tend to do these in the winter.... i guess when im forced to live in my chaos with all the doors and windows shut, i get fed up quicker lol

  16. Truer words were never spoken!

  17. My mental files need a defrag. LOL

  18. Control, Alt, Delete!
    They're outta here!

  19. Cleaning is therapeutic, but I can only take so much therapy!


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