21 February 2019

moving on

Medicated sleep. 

The top is a month with wine. 
The bottom is a month with no wine. 

Tried to eat this. 
The cat got it. 
Didn’t feel like eating much today. 

I did a little research. 
I found out my nephew 
Did in fact kill himself. 
In a most gruesome way. 
It was violent. 
And it was public. 
It was unthinkable. 

I feel so bad for him. 
I feel bad for my sister. 
This is not the kind of thing
You just bounce back from. 

So I cleaned. 
I cleaned and boxes up junk 
And took out junk
And just cleaned and cleaned. 

As is with most gruesome acts 
Someone caught the whole event
And put it on Twitter. 

It was very disturbing to see. 
Especially knowing it was family. 

I was the right age for “babysitting”
My nephews most every summer. 

So I grew up with these nephews
Like they were my little brothers. 

My sister is 20 years older than me, 
So her kids are my age- 
Just a bit younger. 


  1. I’m so sorry for your loss. I wish whoever put it on Twitter thought more about what they were doing. How sad for you and the rest of his family.

  2. Oh my dear Anne, that makes it so very harder still for you and your family.
    One never really gets over someone you were close to taking their own life, even when decades have passed, but the immediate jagged pain does soften a little. But it takes time for that to happen and in the meantime be kind to yourself. Two devastating losses in quick succession is a lot to deal with.
    Zen hugs from across the water, Deniz

  3. Oh my goodness, I am late catching up on your blog entries - my deepest sympathy to you, dear Anne!
    What a tragedy, complicated by someone’s reckless cyber-sharing... 😰


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