Broke my fast.
Keto Salad.
Eggs, Cheese, Dressing.
In the most yummy way.
Grabbed this.
Scheduled to work 90 hours.
At the last minute, they found a nurse!
Lol had to charge the
Apple Watch
A year ago this day I was sick
A year ago this day I was sick
and almost died.
Well, I did the hard work
To make the changes.
And reverse the trend of
Slipping down to sickness.
And earned my bragging rights.
I turned it around and did better.
Didn’t turn back time
Or stop the world.
But I got back completely on track.
And even better.
I’m ready to execute my first
Stock Options Trade.
I had to be interviewed
To see if I have enough knowledge
To trade options.
Turns out I do. I was approved instantly.
On the first level. Tier 1.
Options are neat.
You buy things with leverage.
Or sell.
So you can gain the right to buy
A stock at a certain price.
Options are like futures.
You’re trying to buy a stock
At a better price - at a later time.
Now that my company stock
Is in free-fall…
I’m going to sell the option for someone
To buy it all back from me-
Once the price starts to go back up.
We’ll see if my strategy is
“Cap” or no!
I only have enough for one option.
That’s 100 shares.
I also sold my first BitCoin.
(Partial share.) I made $26 in a few days.
Now I’ve done all the basics.
Bough. Sold. Bought on limit.
No glitches.
Thank goodness for YouTube.
You can learn almost anything there.