14 January 2020

big week

It’s hit or miss. 
The art and science of sleep. 

No rain in the forecast. 
So of course, it rains. 

A wee bit more of this. 
Pete made yogurt for me. 
OMG. The best I’ve ever had. 

Costco run. 
No more cat food for a month. 

3 cheers for the undead! 
I still move like an 80 year old. 
But that’s ok. 
I have no timetable 
But my own. 


  1. 24 weeks till vacation. Am I wrong to start counting so soon?

  2. I vote no, start counting. One of my daughters is a chemo/oncology nurse, she gets a bit depressed sometimes, to put it mildly. So I text her the vacation countdown...another daughter is an NP, and has some extremely challenging patients, sometimes days full of them...she is planning a little tiny getaway all to herself, just two days on a beach in Florida with a book. Winter in New York state is a bugger of it's own though...snow and cold and a bit of wind thrown in, just to make it more fun...


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