25 September 2018

reunion reprieve

Muah, ha ha ha ha! 
*Evil laugh*! 

My Reunion plans are coming togecther! 

I’d like to thank The Academy 
And Dollar Tree 

And Amazon 
And Walmart delivery. 
Saves me from lugging around cat litter. 

The rain won’t stop and I love it! 
Now it needs to stop by next 2 weeks. 
I need to go see Big Tex at the State Fair. 

A new friend and a new style! 

And since I’m so close to my fave BBQ Rudy’s 
Well... you know what had to be done! 

1 comment:

  1. Love the haircut! I need to invest in someone who will give me a decent cut, rather than just hacking it off at Fantastic Sam’s...


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