Thank You Mr. Jack Sh*t for the wonderful honor of this award!
*click* the link
After my own weight loss journey started,
a Nurse friend said "Why don't you start a blog?"
Now every day, she is sorry she said that, because the blog is all I talk about....
....Karen did this...
....Jack did that...
....Dana did this and that...
....Harry phooned!
....Joanna said something nice - about me - although she says nice things to everyone.
So it is with great pleasure that I tell my things.
My "Jack Sh*t Really Sh*tty Blog Award" things.
A I started blogging (in part) because of Jack Sh*t. Specifically: The Raven.
I was all over that guy long before he became an icon to Blogland.
You know, back when only 4 or 5 people read and commented on his posts.
B Jack is a "good guy." You can tell from his comments. Nice.
C Jack reads minds! More than once - no, more than twice - no, well
MANY times I had a whole post worked out - and behold -
Jack had the same idea.
At first I was greatly disturbed by this.
But now I understand that
Jack and I must be "tuned in" to the same wonderful things in life.
I know we have a lot in common.
Must be a cosmic attraction.
D Jack just worked his *sk off, and indeed it is gone.
So he knows how hard, or how easy, it can be to lose weight.
E Jack finally showed his cute face.
Everyone was wondering.
Now we know.
F Jack is a stabilizing force in the Blogs.
This summer was THE BEST SUMMER I have ever had.
It was loving, and exciting, inspiring, like magic was everywhere.
I have never laughed so hard or had so much fun in my life.
Jack is/was a big part of the whole picture.
Wouldn't you agree?
Thanks Jack - you da man!
I love me some Jack Sh*t!

Also, since I am in the "Thankful" and "Grateful" mode
Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadian Bloggers, eh?
Hope you don't have to work today.
At least not hard!
Again with the Haikus?
*parenthetically* deconstructionist