This is Scott.
He asked me if I would take over
His blog Quitting Sugar.
I said “Yes!”
That was a month or two before COVID hit.
Late in the year 2019. Soon-
Everything closed down
And nurses got incredibly busy.
I might have even had a form
Of COVID myself.
And I was never more sick
In my life. (Wah!)
So 2020 was a great year.
Blogging, Crypto, all kinds of things
Just opened up during lockdown.
Lots of info on lighting and sound.
Lots of change afoot.
Lots of common people
Doing incredible things.
Well, along comes Amazon Prime
This week. I took total advantage.
I waited like a sniper for lightening deals
And coupons.
I got a drone, some tripods,
Gimbal, selfie stick,
Microphones, cheap-o GoPro,
Light boxes, and back lights
And I think I'm getting a partridge
In a pear tree. Sometimes you get lucky.
We’ll see when the order arrives.
And why not?
I’ve been successful at LC x 13 years.
I’ve been blogging x 13 years.
Everyone knows me.
And I really am a Nurse.
So that counts for something.
Ahh - my first nursing badge!
From 1990. Ahhhh.
The hospital was named
“Dedman” - that’s a plus.
Patient: wakes up. “Where am I?”
Me: “Deadman. You’re at Dedman
Hospital.” Lol
So what’s my niche?
Well… I’m over 60.
I post menopausal.
I work every day.
I have no gallbladder.
That makes Keto more difficult.
There are lots of people like me.
But ….
Here’s the real deal.
We all know people who lost weight.
But most of them gain it back.
99% of all dieters fail.
They regain all the weight
We need better data on how to maintain.
More motivation. More facts.
Less gimmicks. More truth.
That’s my niche!
I’ll still do my Carb Tripper blog.
That’s my sanity. Always.
Bu this… this new blog. Vlog.
I think it’s time!
I have a format in mind.
I love the way Mr Ballen tells stories.
Crime stories that captivate
The audience.
Also Bailey Sarian.
Good story tellers.
She’s absolutely adorable.
YouTube is my favorite format now.
So many LC Vlogs are
Technically advanced.
Doctors taking to doctors.
Waaaaay over most peoples heads.
That a “content driven” vlog.
But who is the audience?
That same question came up
With last week’s KetoCon.
Just who is it for?
So many lectures were pretty top heavy.
They’re all like ATP and mTOR
When most people just want to know
what’s for dinner.
Other blogs and podcasts are simpler.
Often “personality driven.”
Popular or pretty people.
Local celebrities. Authors.
I’m not an daring influencer.
I’m not an affiliate or sponsored.
I’ve never made a dime from blogging.
Well- Except Fergus.
He’s my “sponsor.”
I get paid in whiskers!
I work a blue collar
Non-glamorous job.
Every day. Relatable.
I come home covered with
Baby poo poo and sweat and slobber.
Keto for regular people.
So this new blog won’t be too technical
Or too silly. Or too stuffy.
Nothing over-stylized.
Just Keto News we can use.
The Sugar Free icing on the LC cake
Will be a theme of losing
The COVID Weight and
Keep it off - we hope forever!
I’m really excited and kinda scared.
It can’t hurt to try!
Thanks to everyone who takes
This journey with me!
I'm really excited about this, Anne! Keep us posted! Yay!!!!