18 June 2013

in the kitchen

LOVE, love, love "my" new Kitchen.
No Nurse could be happier to work in a kitchen as fine as this!

And the pink scrubs and black apron  -
All this, and Fashion, too!


  1. So happy that you're so happy, Anne!!! Yayyy!

  2. Go Green! I love the compost pile idea. You must have a lot of kitchen scraps. Nicely done.

  3. I am VERY impressed with your "green" efforts, Anne. That is fantastic and your garden will thank you as well Mother Earth. High Five.

    How many patients do you cook for? They (and their families) have got to be very happy about all healthy meal options you give them.

    Your cooking "uniform" is very swank :-) Looks like the folks in the kitchen at Spago!

    xo jj


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